Catch au

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Info about Catch au is Australia?s favourite place to shop online. is Australia?s favourite place to shop online. We know how to attract a crowd. We have over 2 million active customers and a tonne of loyal fans. We offer our customers amazing savings on the brands they love and the products they need. We specialise in stocking big brands at low prices. We exist to give every Australian the chance to buy high quality branded products at prices they can afford! Oh and we range over 2,000,000 items at any given time. With a hugely diverse range of products our customers are smart shoppers who love a bargain. They love the best brands and the best quality products, that?s why millions of Australian?s shop at Catch. Our customers know they shouldn?t be paying any more than they have to, Catch offers quality without the high price tag. prides itself on its high level of customer support. We understand the difficulty that can occur with buying items online, so we have an amazing customer service department who work to promptly assist with all customer service enquiries. Our warehouses are located in Melbourne, orders are shipped the same day or next day, so the customer gets their order quickly. If you?re an authority on retail, fashion, cooking, the big outdoors, babies and everything in between and are able to inspire and motivate your community of followers, we?re interested in you. 1% Rate for items below: Cart Item Category contains "COMPUTERS" Or Cart Item Category contains "GAMING" Or Cart Item Category contains "PHONES" Or Cart Item Category contains "AUDIO" Or Cart Item Category contains "CAMERA / CAMCORDER" Or Cart Item Category contains "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" Or Cart Item Category contains "MORE ELECTRONICS" From 21/7/2021, the following products/services will be non-commissionable. Club Catch annual membership eGift card Club Catch monthly membership Club catch 30-day free trial for new members Catch Connect services of the following SKUs: o 3419746 o 3419747 o 3419748 o 3419749 o 3419750 o 6303108 o 6303109 o 6303110 o 6303111 o 7169476 o 7169477 o 7169478 A summary of the program: - Open to all promotional methods except paid search - Open to custom marketing collaborations
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