Frank And Oak

Discounts at Frank And Oak

  • Frank And Oak

    Founded in 2012 by childhood friends Ethan Song and Hicham Ratnani, we design the entirety of our limited-edition Frank And Oak collections at our headquarters in Montreal?s Mile End.
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Info about Frank And Oak

Founded in 2012 by childhood friends Ethan Song and Hicham Ratnani, we design the entirety of our limited-edition Frank And Oak collections at our headquarters in Montreal?s Mile End.
Founded in 2012 by childhood friends Ethan Song and Hicham Ratnani, we design the entirety of our limited-edition Frank And Oak collections at our headquarters in Montreal?s Mile End. We started with a simple goal of helping men dress better and affordably via our passion for style, design and technology. Five years, nearly eighty thousand Oxford shirts sold, and a growing women?s line later, we remain committed to the little things (the important things) we have built our reputation on.
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