Jean & Len

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  • Jean & Len

    Cosmetic products are available in over 5,000 stores of dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI, Tegut and at other retailers.
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Info about Jean & Len

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Cosmetic products are available in over 5,000 stores of dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI, Tegut and at other retailers.

Jean&Len was founded in 2013 by Leonard Diepenbrock. The idea: very good-smelling care with predominantly nourishing formulas, that looks cool and doesn't gather dust in the eco-corner. Today, our cosmetic products are available in over 5,000 stores of dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI, Tegut and at other retailers.

The entire cosmetics range and even more beautiful things without Gedøns* are available in our online store and in the Cologne flagship store. We started with shampoo for children without silicones, parabens and animal ingredients. Inspired by our motto "What touches you, becomes a part of you", the range has been constantly expanded.

In doing so, we have not stopped at a wide variety of care products, but are always trying out new things. From handbags made from a vegan leather alternative, to notebooks made from innovative stone paper for which no tree had to die, to spirits such as gin and whiskey from a German manufactory - there are many things that can be made of less "Gedøns*".

But what does "without Gedøns*" actually mean?

For us, Gedøns* are things and especially ingredients, that our founder Len wants to avoid in our products. These include parabens, silicones and animal ingredients. We do not claim that these ingredients are harmful or bad. We simply don't want certain substances in our products because we know many of you don't want them either. Also, we think about boring designs, unexciting fragrances or too technical explanatory as Gedøns*, that we don’t want.

That’s why we sometimes do not avoid the use of special fragrances or dyes in some places, because we think they are sometimes necessary to create an irresistible smell and make you enjoy our products. Our goal is to combine high effectiveness with fresh designs and exciting scent combinations. We want to be thing that makes you smile in the bathroom!

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